Why not offer an internship after the summer is over?

Posted on by Tam

The summer is reaching its halfway mark, so we’re hard at work thinking about how to keep supporting our students when it ends. For a handful of selected women, RGSoC has marked a turn in their lives: they have spent hours coding, learning, and discovering a new world of programming possibilities.

But sooner than they (and we!) realize, their summer will be over, and it will be time to move on.

That’s where you come in. We are looking for awesome companies all around the world who are willing to offer internships or junior developer positions to Rails Girls Summer of Code alumni.

If your company was unable to sponsor the summer of code this year, this is a great opportunity for you to still show your support. If you already sponsored this year, keep it coming!

Hiring a RGSoC graduate is a great idea. You’ll gain an employee with real hands on experience in the programming world, and who has already pushed working code to well a known and visible codebase. Your new employee will be an expert at communicating ideas within a team, and will not be afraid to submit code for review. Need more proof? RGSoC students are very excited about learning, and have oftentimes given up a previous career in order to pursue their goal, making them all the more motivated. This past work experience merged together with hard-earned tech savvy just might fit in perfectly with your company, making them an asset to your team.

As this is a worldwide program with students all across the globe, we are looking for exceptional companies in or around the following locations:

  • Sydney
  • Barranquilla
  • Helsinki
  • Berlin
  • Pune
  • Mysore
  • Skopje
  • Lima
  • Warsaw
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Seattle, WA
  • Chicago, IL
  • Los Angeles, CA

If you’re looking for talented women who are eager to continue learning, or just want more info about how you can help out after RGSoC, please get in touch!

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