How to support RGSoC 2016 with your company
What better day to think about getting more women into Open Source than today - on International Women’s Day!
While we are working towards equality all year round, today is an especially good day to shed some light on how you and your company can support us in this mission:
Getting more women into Open Source - one summer at a time.
Fund our mission
To make RGSoC possible, we need sponsors! This program with all that it entails can only happen with the help of amazing people donating small or large donations. We are so happy to have amazing companies already on board again for this year like Github, Travis CI, Google Open Source, Gitlab, Basecamp and many more. We already have already 8 teams funded, and only 4 to go. Help us fund those last teams!
Here you can find our Sponsorshop packages with all perks a company’s heart can imagine - we even single handedly pack and send out our lovely care packages to students with your merchandise.
Coaching Companies
Get involved locally
Every team needs a place to work and coaches to apply for Rails Girls Summer of Code - If your company wants to support us in hosting and coaching a local team, this is your way to go! We are eternally grateful to all companies who are dedicated to the teams during the summer.
Allowing your devs dedicated time to coach a team will support a great cause, let you stay in touch with the Open Source community and help advertise that you are working together with us towards getting more Women in to OSS. A good example for this are Soundcloud, Absolventa, 6Wunderkinder or Travis CI, who have supported teams as companies and stood by them with all the coach power they could give.
Your can register here:, set up a profile with your GitHub login and be sure to check our Guides on how to become a Coaching Company.
Remote coaching
Your devs can also help out in our remote #helpdesk Slack channel during the summer, where students can ask for help if their coaches are not available or are stuck as well. If you are interested in that, you should register in our Teams-App as well and tick the “Interested in helping out as helpdesk coach” box. We’ll write a grateful blog post about your involvmeent and will mention you in our tweets and Facebookpostings with lots of love.
We hope you’ll join us in one way or another on our journey to bring more women into the OSS world. Contact us if you have more questions.
Help us make Rails Girls Summer of Code 2016 happen: Donate now!!