Rails Girls The Hague

Posted on by Anika

The story of Rails Girls Summer of code is just crazy, amazing, inspiring and actually hard to believe (the idea stated only in May this year and now we are actually doing this!). So to tell other people about this, other Rails Girls students who are just at the beginning of falling in love with Rails, I visited Rails Girls The Hague.

Our organizer and lovely dutchie Floor organized the whole thing and it was super nice! The talks were also pretty inspiring and went from resources to keep on coding, a Github introduction and our supervisor & mentor Andy talked about this Open Source thing and how to contribute.

I gave a talk about our program, Travis’ role, our teams and the wonderful things that are going on in our Summer of Code. Here you can check out my slides. (Spoiler altert: it includes more than one cute gif!)

My favorite moment was when I met Nila. She was helping with the event and told me that the Rails Girls Workshop she attended 6 months ago actually changed her life.

She jumped and had a whole carrier turn and now she works in an IT firm coding more and more. It always feels so wonderful to meet somebody who benefited from something you helped with. To see these Rails Girls stories popping up all over the world always makes me kinda sentimental. ♥

All in all a wonderful weekend. Big eyed students, the beach, viking hats, not much sleep, hagelslag and lots of beginning coding stories.


So if you have a Rails Girls event near you - visit them, give a talk and spread the word. It’s magical.

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