Get your ticket to one (or more!) of these great conferences

Posted on by Floor

Get your twitter clients ready and join the rafflemania!

Like last year, a number of exciting conferences have offered free (team) tickets for you - the Rails Girls Summer of Code students. We heard wonderful stories from our students last year about how they made new friends, valuable connections, learned heaps and had tons of fun.

So we couldn’t help but do it again! By now, we have 26 tickets to 13 amazing conferences and we’re still adding more.

Since some of them already take place mid-program, we decided to do an early raffle-out now, followed by a second one later this summer. So, IF you end up empty-handed, don’t worry, you will get another shot! ;)

How to get your hands on those awesome tickets

We need you to tweet which conferences (find out their twitter handles on their websites) you’d like to attend - ordered by 1st choice, 2nd choice etc. - be sure to mention @Railsgirlssoc, so that we can see your tweet and take it into the raffle.

These are two examples, how this could look like:

###Hey @Railsgirlssoc We would love to attend @arrrrcamp, @eurucamp and @rulu. (and alternatively add #wishfulthinking #LOL).

###My Conf Wishlist for this summer: @SteelCityRuby and @frozenrails via @Railsgirlssoc.

By sending the tweet you automatically take part in the competition. Make sure you send your tweet by Monday July 28 12:00 (AM) CEST. We’ll announce the winners shortly after.

You can choose from any of the below mentioned conferences. Please keep in mind, that these tickets don’t include travel costs or accomodation, so better chose a conference near you or one where you could afford a travel to.

What to do at the conference? First of all, we want you to be amazed and inspired. A conference is one of the best places to learn heaps of stuff and talk to wonderful people.

Secondly, amaze the other attendees! We strongly recommend you to give a lightning talk and share the love of programming and your Summer of Code story. This is an important step to help us spread the word to even more seasoned programmers about the great opportunities of Rails Girls. Many conferences have slots for lightning talks, we can help you get in touch with the organizers. In a next post we’ll give you some tips & tricks on how to ace a 5 minute talk like that.

Here are the conferences of the first raffle:

eurucamp August 1-3 Berlin, Germany 2 tickets

Burlington Ruby Conference August 1-3 Burlington, VT 4 tickets

Steel City Ruby August 15-16 Pittsburgh, PA 2 tickets

Madison Ruby Conference August 22-23 Madison, WI 2 tickets

Frozen Rails September 11-12 Helsinki, Finland 2 tickets

Barcelona Ruby Conf September 12-14 Barcelona, Spain 2 tickets

The Strange Loop September 17-19 St. Louis 2 tickets

Ruby DCamp October 10-12 Prince William Forest Park, VA 2 stipends

Rails Israel November 4-5 Tel Aviv, Israel 2 tickets

Arrrrcamp October 2-3 Ghent, Belgium 2 tickets

Polyconf October 30-31 Poznan, Poland 2 tickets

GoTo Conference November 6-7 Berlin, Germany 2 tickets

Good luck!

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